SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

lol电竞菠菜人力资源办公室致力于通过扩大和改善人们在多元化社会中茁壮成长的经验来支持学院的使命. 我们致力于通过提高对大学社区潜在成员和现有成员之间差异的认识和重视来促进多样性.

除了, 我们努力为所有学院人员提供持续学习的机会,以促进专业成长和领导能力,希望营造一个积极的工作环境.


Congratulations on your decision to work at Genesee Community College!

GCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to fostering diversity in its faculty, 工作人员, 并致力于在就业申请过程中为残疾人士提供合理的便利.

If you need an accommodation to use our online system, 申请一个职位, 查阅所需文件, or any of part of the hiring 和 employment process, call us at 585-345-6808 or send us an email at hr@thawedding.com.


海湾合作委员会为其全职公务员以及全职教师和专业人员提供各种有竞争力的福利. See below to learn about all the benefits that GCC has to offer you.


所有员工, 和 some qualifying family members, can take advantage of tuition assistance for GCC credit 和 non-credit courses, professional development classes 和 courses at other SUNY institutions. 某些限制和限制适用,包括就业状况和课程注册.


杰纳西社区学院通过高级员工援助计划为所有员工提供EAP服务, a division of ESI Employee Assistance Group.

高级EAP提供广泛的工具和服务,以帮助解决可能影响您个人或工作生活的问题. 例如:压力, 法律问题, 债务, 照顾孩子, 悲伤, 教育计划, 抑郁症, 税, 遗嘱, Smoking Cessation 和 many more.

除了, 高级EAP提供了数以千计的个人和职业发展机会, 从8岁开始,000 trainings to one-on-one coaching. 为 example: Financial Coaching, 平衡生活、工作和家庭, 瑜伽初学者, 成功担任主管, Workplace Conflict 和 many more.

To create an account access their website: www.HigherEdEAP.com. 您也可以每周7天,每天24小时拨打1-800-252-4555与他们联系.

This employer paid benefit is free for your use. 作为您的雇主,我们不会向您提供有关您使用本程序的任何信息,除非您签署了一份授权信息发布协议.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact hr@genesee.或致电X6808.

Leave time can be classified in the following ways:

  • 美国专利商标局 – All full-time employees receive sick, personal 和 vacation leave as determined by their bargaining unit agreements.
  • 带薪假期 – All full-time employees receive paid holidays, as determined by the college’s 校历 和 by their bargaining unit agreements.
  • 休假 - lol电竞菠菜为符合条件的员工提供家庭和医疗假.
  • 癌症筛查 -所有纽约州公职人员都有资格获得4小时的年假,用于任何类型的癌症筛查, including but not limited to breast, 前列腺癌, 结肠, 等.
  • 丧亲之痛


纽约 State Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) – Open to non-civil service employees, both full time 和 part time that hold the title of, 总统, 副总统, 迪安, 副院长, 副院长, 教员或图书管理员.

纽约 State Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) -对所有员工开放.

SUNY Optional Retirement Program (ORP) – Open to all full time non-civil service employees.

自愿储蓄计划 -对所有员工开放.


Unit members may elect to participate in the following health insurance plan. Please contact HR f或者是 current contribution rates. Coverage becomes effective the first day of the month following a start date. Following this initial opportunity to participate, 每年11月有一个公开登记期,员工可以在此期间改变他们的选择.

Unit members who opt in for health insurance coverage must complete the Independent 健康 Enrollment Application [PDF]Genesee County 注册表单 [PDF]. 放弃选择参加健康保险计划的单位成员有资格根据下列豁免获得批准而获得买断. Please contact HR f或者是 current buyout amount. Unit members who opt-out for health insurance must complete the ESPA 健康保险 Waiver 为m [PDF] 或者是 GEA 健康/牙科保险豁免表格 [PDF],视情况而定.


选择健康保险的单位成员将在不增加费用的情况下获得牙科保险. Read Details about the dental coverage. Unit members who opt for dental insurance coverage must complete the 牙科登记表格.

全职公务员, 单位成员谁放弃他们的选择,以参加牙科保险计划是有资格买断特遣队在下列豁免被批准. Please contact HR f或者是 current buyout amount. Unit members who opt-out for dental insurance must complete the 牙科保险豁免表格. 为 full-time faculty 和 professional 工作人员放弃健康保险的单位成员也放弃牙科保险. T在这里 is not currently an option available to purchase separately.


这种可选择的福利提供了用税前美元支付受抚养人的照顾和医疗保健费用的方式. 员工可选择仅在受雇时或在年度公开登记期间参加. 的 Flexible Benefits 注册表单 must be submitted to HR within 3 business days of start date to qualify.

Long-term Disability, Life Insurance 和 Optional Life Insurance

Long-term disability coverage will be provided at no cost to the unit member. 为 specific coverage information, please contact HR. 单位成员可选择为自己、配偶及受养人购买选择性人寿保险. 请参阅 利益摘要可选寿命和AD&D利率 了解更多信息.

为 full-time faculty 和 professional 工作人员, 人寿保险, 赔偿金额相当于你基本年薪的两倍包括意外死亡和伤残保险, will be provided at no cost to the employee. 请填写 注册表单 相应的.

Civil Service employees, please complete the 注册表单 for Civil Service Employees 相应的. 请注意, 无论您是否选择选择性人寿保险,都需要填写此表格.

Deferral Election (Full-time faculty only)

全职教师可以选择将他们的补偿推迟到他们正常工作10个月之后. 必须进行选举 在这里.


GCC提供了一个现场 幼儿中心 located on the main campus in 巴达维亚. 哺乳的员工有权在分娩后3年内在私人场所(洗手间除外)享受无薪休息或带薪休息或用餐时间来哺乳. 如果你是一个哺乳的母亲, 与你的主管讨论一下你使用这个福利的意图,并安排好你的工作日程. 此外,GCC为所有员工免费提供员工援助计划(EAP). 的se counseling services may be used to explore solutions for family care issues.




巴达维亚, 纽约是个古色古香的城市, mostly rural area centrally located, just a 30-minute drive between both Buffalo 和 Rochester, 和 only 45 minutes from Niagara Falls.

Weather: A Four-Season Region

夏季-夏季平均至少有三天气温在华氏90度或以上,六月至八月平均有42天气温在华氏80度或以上. 在这个季节里,许多人会因为要经历的事情太多而不知所措.

Fall – Temperatures begin in the 70s 和 steadily cool into the 50s. 从10月到11月,五颜六色的高峰树叶将遍布整个地区和整个纽约.

冬季——平均气温在30度左右,年平均降雪量为80英寸. T在这里 are lots of winter activities 和 festivals to engage in.

Spring – Temperatures warm into the 60s with moderate rain fall. 春天的活动在露天节日中如火如荼,比如罗切斯特一年一度的丁香节,以及全州更多的花展.


的 region’s cost of living is well below the national average. 在城市、郊区和小城镇都有广泛的住房选择. 的 local housing market is as diverse as it is affordable.


宏伟的“东方大峡谷”莱奇沃斯州立公园位于怀俄明县,只是众多冒险体验之一. T在这里’s something 在这里 for everyone in the region including waterparks, 游戏, 娱乐, 高尔夫球, 全年户外娱乐, 观众多的体育运动, 艺术 & theatre, agricultural fun, museums, shopping, animal adventures, 和 spas.


GCC does not provide reimbursement for your relocation expenses.